With Music: Mainstream radio is all politics. This is the conclusion I have arrived at. Mainstream radio stations play the same music over and over again until you hate the song. The same artists, the same concept spread out for everyone to be smothered with. There's no message. There's no reason.
What happens with the million-plus artists who are truly more talented than those picked up by the radio stations? What happens to us, the listeners, who will never get a chance to hear truly good music? Is it right that the average young adult has no knowledge of music's history? That they have never heard great voices as influential as Billie Holiday's, Etta James, Chuck Berry (to say the least)... Ask any random person on the street, rocking out on their iPods, if he or she knows how their favorite genre came to be...
I can't claim to know everything about music's history or musicians in particular. I can claim responsibility for trying. For looking into it. For expanding my need for fulfillment to unknown territories and discovering treasures. I will stick it to the man.
Pretty cool article here.
My Problem: I was given specific instructions that I wish to disregard. Will this make me inconsiderate? Will it make me brave? At least, by disregarding the instructions I've been given I'll be staying true to myself, since it is what I really want to do. I don't like games I don't understand.
Today is Monday.
*currently listening to Perfect Company, A Cursive Memory*
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
Basically eight companies control about 82% of everything every american sees, or hears on the radio, or reads in a magazine.
ReplyDeleteThe way it works, is the corporations farm out their ad placements to light, fast moving little companies called 'media buyers' who have a few agenda items.
First, they interface with the content delivery people like the radio station, and they try to get the best times - alot of times the radio stations and TV stations will drop web pages out there to schedule but the so called 'platinum' and 'gold' package advertisements always have a bit of flexibility as to which timeslot and demographic target they'll get.
Then, they relay to the editors what kind of content they want to have near their ad.
Lets say, its an article in GQ thats going to be about AIDS. Ok. Ford Motor Corp can call up the editor (and wash the transaction in the media buying entity) and tell them "yeah, we heard that you were going to run that article. we don't want to have our ad placed near it"
and so the editor puts heat back on the writers and so on, and thats how you get this flattening effect.
Not really sure though. Sometimes people just want to hear dumb stuff.
One thing that was a really important moment in my blogging career was that I learned I didn't have to write about politics.
My first post was about the letter to the Dean of the University in Berlin, I think, by a game named Mann - the university was at the moment involved ina pretty deep justification of Naziism and Mann was saying, in effect,
that if people like us fuck around too much
societies get killed.
Blogs have a funny life. I can't tell you how to write yours or who would read it. Just one word of advice.
Protect your identity. Pretty picture of your face but I'd go with something abstract so nobody shows up at your door with a 44 because
you posted pro life or something
good luck with those instructions sorry such a long post.
I don't mind long comment posts.
ReplyDeleteI do mind confusing instructions.
Ah, and advice taken. I'll remove my pretty face.
ReplyDeleteyou can and should use any other picture.
ReplyDeleteit just makes it far easier to know who you are otherwise.
For me, I enjoy the idea that someone can write five, or six words ..and I would know who they are. Then, it would be fun to pretend that I actually know them. When I dont. Dream I have a friend. When I don't.
You are beautiful. But. You are also taken.
You can put any picture you like.
Just be careful. I know someone who posted a picture of snow white. And named herself some goofy woman..
But she'd already breached her identity. Eventually the persons that were tracking her down, found her. Someone at work that didn't like her. Printed things out. Took them into work.
She ultimately had to set her blog to private.
Which meant zero traffic.
I am not so sure about confusing instructions... I am not sure what you meant in that post.
What if ... instead of instructions? They were a set of rules. A way that a husband could never cheat on his wife. Or a GF never to cheat on her BF. Or kink. Anything. A way for one person to be.. simpler? Its probably not about entertainment or a script and more about boundaries. I wouldn't know.
I don't know. I haven't seen the rules, so I can't say that I know them. Good luck.
But I still miss your face. Don't get me wrong.
ReplyDeleteChoose an avatar.
Rules, guidelines, instructions, it's all the same difference.
ReplyDeleteYou know them, you wrote them. Unnecessarily.
Ok heres the deal.
ReplyDeleteIf I make a vow. To anyone. I will do my
best to keep it. No matter what. It might mean being a little bit erratic when things hit grey area. Ok?
So rules, in a grey area make things black and white.
Its a continuous line, esp. From friendship to .. whatever else.. and yes I feel that too. Very. Very strongly. It almost overwhelmed me.
Then I realized. How different am I than your current SO? No. I drew the line and better I did it because I am the one with the wandering eye. We are jumping out of this gate of friendship too fast. I want to be your friend.
chinese horoscope says we would be forever friends.
And at the same time, my wife makes her own decisions. She has decided her path.
I am getting the longboard tomorrow.
Thats my path.
* listening to colin hay and not telling you which song you have to figure it out yourself *
I would appreciate it if you refrained from leaving such detailed and personal comments. You have my email, use it if you may.
ReplyDeleteI don't have yours. I've deleted everything.