Today: Pick up B from school, drive him to religious school, hang out with T and S, I haven't seen them in a week and that feels like too long. Kids are smarter than the average adult. There's this simplicity about them. Better than a scholarly lesson, play with children for about 2 hours, you'll be different.
Tonight: R1 and I will discuss our project. I've requested that this is done over dinner at Zen Zoo. Rachel-1 is a super-awesome-cosmic woman. I just tag along in her greatness.
Tomorrow: I'm re-doing my kitchen. All by myself. Yes, I wandered into Home Depot yesterday and picked up what I think I need. I exaggerate, technically, I'm only painting the cabinets. That will give my kitchen a totally different look. So yes, I can say it however I want, I'm re-doing the kitchen... The new color? Banana Cream Pie! Who doesn't LOVE pie? (Important: If YOU don't like pie, please keep that info to yourself).
Tomorrow Evening: I'm taking the other Rachel (Rachel-A) out for Colombian food and shoe shopping... How will I explain that Colombians don't really eat dinner? I'll sit at the table with her and tell her about every option for her to order... I'll smile and watch her enjoy!
Thursday: Hopefully, my kitchen will be done and I will dedicate myself entirely to the two parties I'm putting together for Friday. I need to learn to say NO. But a challenge is so much fun!
Right now: I'm wondering if I'll ever hear it. No, not a calling. More like a call. Human. If there's just one slight possibility of it happening, I would like to know. That defies the purpose of the element of surprise. Who needs a surprise when over-all certainty is possible?
Happy Tuesday - Taco Tuesday - Tuesday of Twos - Tarantula Tuesday
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
Fun song.