Sunday, June 28, 2009

What I Want.

I want to pay off all my debt. By the end of the year. I'm working on it. It'll be. It's not much. But I want it gone. Life has been good to me, people have been good to me. I want it all on a clean slate. I want to be able to give back.

I want to tell my sister she can go back to school and I'll support her financially. I want to pay off my friends' student loans. They don't need to think about that, they're ridiculously talented, that's all they should do, create art.

I don't care for diamonds or very fast cars. That's a lie, scratch that, I would love a Lotus Elise. I don't care for diamonds. I don't want jewelry, I don't want a mansion or servants. I do need greens, many dollars, although dollars are not green anymore... I have an expensive lifestyle. I like to eat out (really good food), I like to travel (there's a plan for Europe, Africa, Cuba, Chile), I like concerts and shoes and art. I like YOU. For that, I need no greens at all. Oh and throw in a Vespa, how cute would I look in a mint green Vespa?

I want a house by the beach, nothing crazy, something easy to maintain and spacious enough for Amara to roam around and stretch. I want a tiny little studio apartment in Manhattan. I want a condo in San Andres. I want a boutique with the hottest fashion trends, established by me. I want to own a cafe, my very special recipes served in a 'chic-little-kitchen' atmosphere... I'll be a good boss. I know it.

I want the time and funds to create wonderful events to support local artists and give back to the world. I want to be a part of making this place a better place. I want to be a volunteer without worrying about the time that could have been used for work.

I don't want children. I don't think I will be a good mother. I want a life partner, not a husband.

I want you to be happy, as happy as I am. Even more.

*Currently listening to my phone vibrate and ring, incoming text message*

Now, replace her straight strands with curls and the dog for Amara.


  1. Well, if you need help with the cafe, let me know. I've got some kick-ass recipes! (Yes. I'm a guy. I bake. Get over it! :) )

    You have a heart of gold, girl. Remember that the sky's the limit, and the ground is a point to start from. :)

  2. Yay for paying off debt! I am a lot further away than that, but I am making strides.

    As for the house, I want something comfy and livable in the mountains somewhere. I would like to have a butler, just because I thought it would be cool to have a snarky sidekick.

    A maid wouldn't be bad either, especially if they were really good at keeping the place clean.

  3. Joe: I'll take your help with the cafe, plus I CAN'T bake, my cookies make excellent weapons. They're like rocks! In fact, you and I make a good little team. Let's recruit Kevin, he'll throw pennies, I launch cookies and you can be in charge of making things go BOOM!

    Wizard X: You dirty, dirty man...


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