Friday, September 18, 2009

For The Hypocrites...

I bet there would be very few marriages around if we went by this...

*Currently listening to the wonderful sounds of Pechis, she purrrrs so cute.

1 comment:

  1. There really are, only a very few marriages - I find those that really do exist are like a neat club - strong marriages tend to strengthen other strong marriages.

    Then, there's that thing that all those people who are getting divorced - do with their life. I would offer you want same-sex marriage to fit in the former category and not the latter.

    When are people going to realize that two professional, clean, organized, thoughtful people - who are in a respectful, fun, and loving LTR - and have chosen to solemnize that bond through marriage -

    Have the potential to be great parents?

    I'm not the perfect parent but I just happened to notice that if we had same sex marriage legalized, there might be some bozo marriages out of it but you're going to also have the "billy has two mommies" or "susie has two daddies" kids that are going to change the world -

    You know the real thing about that issue also, is that time and time again you will see kids coming out of similiar arrangements being heterosexual?! And well adjusted?!?

    How is it that the institution of marriage is threatened by this. Tax code. Thats how.

    Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.


Say what you may here...