I was accused of having no emotions. Large accusation you fucker. I do feel.
I was accused of being too emotional. Poor observation. I just happen to care.
Which one is it? The day turned gray and the question lingered. Glass of wine in hand, I still think. I want it to make a difference and I want it to go away. Stay, but not so bitterly. I want you sweet.
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
What better way to show that you really care - than to deliver high-impact, alternated spanking and caress / with the clear eyed, sober aim of someone who truly knows the principle that high velocity arm swing is nearly impossible if you tense up?
ReplyDeleteDamnit. I have to get to work. I'd post some more great advice but I have to go work on sensitive microelectronics - you know, drive through freezing rain . I also happen to have to sell my home and get around to actually divorcing my wife (or just dropping the whole thing, either way).
Tis blog has a long history of being 'written to one person'. In this case. Not me.
So off to my home-selling, microelectronics-fixing, christmas cold grey day. Good luck Mistress Thinker
PS. You might want to consider making a post secret then posting it here. :D
You're right about this blog and you're crazy Turner. But your craziness was always what attracted me to you. I guess you can call it magnetic force.
ReplyDeleteSell the house, divorce the wife, have fun with the microwhatevers, call me later.
Besitos caballo.
Tutto e bene.
ReplyDeleteWhen will you believe me?
The girl that melts hearts and steps all over them has feeling now? He must be special.