Friday, February 19, 2010

Blue. Very Blue.

I thought that maybe if I was sweet and patient that would make a difference. I was told to communicate how I felt every step of the way, that was advice given to me by a dear friend, she said ‘he can’t read your mind so always tell him how you feel’. I did.

I told him how I felt every step of the way.

I backed up when I felt like he might need some space. I was there when it felt like he might need a friend. I gave it my best.

This doesn’t happen often. I’m used to taking and not giving until I feel safe. He never made me feel safe but I wanted him anyway. I wanted him deeply.

I also knew this day would come. When enough should be enough. I didn’t ask for much, but nothing is not acceptable, not when I have given so much.

I thought but I was wrong. Blue doesn’t suit me and I can’t see clearly with all these tears in the way.

Blue, please turn yellow, like the sun, missing on this dark, gloomy day.

*Currently listening to Love Me or Leave Me by Billie Holiday*


  1. Its amazing how when you read a blog regularly, you end up with this illusion - as a reader, that someone is actually writing to you instead of to someone else.

    On the other hand , if you are writing to me - personally - which would be great, then do me a favor and hop on a plane and come to Atlanta.

    Now would be fine.
    Tomorrow night is ok too.

  2. PS. I'm paying for dinner. And trust me, its going to be at least as expensive as the damn ticket.

  3. (and then you realize that it never was about you at all. lol.)

    hope things get better for you thinkerme

  4. My dearest Turner: There's nothing that I would like more right now than to be able to leave LA for some days. That said, if given I choice, I would choose to go see you.

    Kisses caballo. You're always so sweet to me.

  5. What if I'm sweet, but kind of salty as well?
    A sort of hot , thick, you know.. liquid kind of
    sweet and salty flavor?

    Is that going to be ok?


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