I've been asked to be a part of a threesome several times in my life. I'm very open minded, I'm very sexual, I'm very attractive and the most important factor when it comes to this: I'm flexible and approachable.
Flexibility and being approachable by no means results in me saying yes.
For the most part, I've been asked to be part of threesomes where the couple wanted me as the visiting third party. Only once did I consider inviting someone else to share the person that I was with. It didn't happen but I considered it long and hard.
Threesomes, people make them sound like so much fun, like it's so easy, like you wake up the next day and you all share pancakes together and giggle over blueberry syrup and coffee... They could be fun...
I was at a concert in San Francisco on Friday night and a couple asked if 'we were open to threesomes cause they are very open minded'... And every single time, I feel a little bit of shock...

*Currently listening to Elevator Love Letter by Stars*
I turned down a threesome with this beautiful woman, myself and jar jar binks.
ReplyDeleteI'm kicking myself every day. Just waves of second guessing.
Meesa horny
Not everybody knows this but Jar Jar Binks is swinger. He hides gold chains in the chest hair down below that tunic and he keeps a condom in his wallet and he's got lovely ladies on speed dial.
ReplyDeleteIt was a public threesome too. Damn. If I had known now what I knew then, I still wouldn't have done it.