Some time ago, while I was curled up in bed crying, I recieved a message from someone who had read this blog and figured something was wrong... In between tears and sobs, I replied saying I was not okay and I just wanted to know how long all the pain would last.
Today, I read the reply:
Remember your ability to feel - The whole myth that you were ever this cold person - is just that, a myth. The question might not be how long it lasts but what exactly is it, that hurts? Your heart? Maybe it's trying to grow... You are traveling on a sphere. You have set a start point for your journey and you're now traveling across the horizon but you will not hit a wall nor will you fall from the edge of the flat earth. You will travel until you find the place where you began and know it for the first time. (TB)
And then, also today, a good friend emailed me with something so special, I just want to save it in my mental hard drive forever:
I read your blog yesterday. I hope it all works out! Being in love is a wonderful feeling. Intravenous bliss!!! (KTW)
I'm scared. I'm really scared. But I want to be blissfully happy... I have faith, and hope, and a lot of love to give. So far, so good... And again, if for whatever reason, it doesn't work out, at least I know I have great people around me.
*Currently listening to Wide Eyes by Local Natives (Sucker's Remix)*
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
Welcome to real life where people fall in love and get their hearts broken and people feel scared.
ReplyDeleteDude the only reason you're so scared is cause this had never happened to you cause you're spoilt even with love and you're used to have it all come to you. betcha this is the first guy that didn't do what you want from day one. what a bitch it is huh.
Feel, learn and grow dude. That's how it is.
Love ya bunny.
NO. Parcerita le digo la verdad y con frialdad: El miedo lo interpreta la gente muy mal por que piensan como si fueran ellos, no como vos. Al estar enamorado uno siente nada mas FELICIDAD, ALEGRIA y EUFORIA!!! Uno sonrie! uno canta y uno siente estar bailando 24 horas al dia/todos los dias! La mujer "normal" vive llena de miedos, llena de especulaciones con que la sociedad las trauma; vos no sos una de estas; vos sos una mujer mucho mas maravillosa, mucho mas feliz y mucho mas aventurosa que vive la vida como debe ser.....vive la vida a lo maximo y sin ningun hp miedo. Gente como vos y yo no siente miedo al enamorarse, uno siente un sentimiento que lo hace indestructible....un sentimiento que lo hace sentir como la persona mas viva del mundo...claro que esto es algo normal para nosotros pero el amor solo lo intensifica !...y esto no es lo que sientes mi chiquita. Perdoname pero vos sabes por que tenes el miedo y aun que estes preguntandolo al universo, vos ya tenes tu respuesta. Usa tu instinto antes que sea muy tarde y estes donde no quieras estar. En el piso. Muah.