Monday, May 25, 2009

Simple Happiness.

The day started out with laughter. My family was making breakfast, everything very Colombian of course, arepas, salchichas, cafe con leche... The pain wasn't severe, like yesterday, but still there, to remind me to be careful.

Throughout the day, laughter came easy and family chatter more entertaining. I have a wonderful family, I am blessed. My parents told tales of their month-long vacation and as usual, my (big) laughter was an easy target.

I was in the real world.

Towards the end of the day, reality shifted to fantasy and my imaginary real friend told me of secrets and questions of our existence.

I'll drift on to dream of my real and imaginary lives, both intertwining into a paradise-like land.

Good day, good night, good land.

*currently listening to Amara, she snores*


  1. I remember when you said I was imaginary. And I said. No. I'm real. And you just stopped for like. Three minutes. It was effing great. I was smiling on the other end of the phone like the cheshire cat.

    Enjoy, princess.
    Let me know if you need anything else.
    I purposefully cut this so you couldn't use
    it at a club but I can do some pretty good
    stuff there (thats what my thing is. Said the horse to the sheep who loved to play in
    his laser beams)

    Be good!

  2. PS. I'm available for weddings, bar mitzvahs, and all social gatherings. Ask about my memorial day special.

  3. lol yea. hey sheep you picked a great day to be happy.

    picture a 'katfish' swimming in the ocean .. primal origin... and a 'flying mouse'... flying overhead.. the mouse says.. wish I had something to hit that 'kat' with...

    and the cat is down there swimming in the sea saying to (her)self..

    oh golla golla I wunda where ignatz could be at?
    would he sperm me, the lil inna outta?



Say what you may here...