Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Twitter No More.

During the last couple of years (or more, in the case of MySpace), networking sites have taken me in and dictated a certain presence in my life. I say 'No More!' to unnecessary networking, since networking is suppose to be about My Purpose and Twitter serves no purpose for me anymore.

Adios Twitter, chao, ciao, hasta la vista, goodbye, see ya never, lates!

*Currently listening to the rain outside my window, ugly day L.A., where's the summer?*


  1. thats cool. twitter completely ruined a friend of mine's blog. the guy was actually a speechwriter in DC, and after he got twitter the only time he blogged was when he was drunk or posting pictures of his ex-wife giving him head.

    he actually got fired I think for twittering a presidential press conference he was supposed to cover.

  2. I twitter, almost to excess. No MySpace, but Facebook is a must, too.


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