Monday, August 10, 2009

I Need YOUR Help: An Easy Donation – A Very Good Cause

As many of you already know, I ♥ L.A., specifically Hollywood. Also, as I hope you’ve noticed, Hollywood is crowded by not only tourists, club-goers, entrepreneurs, hipsters and chic adorable peeps but also homeless people that need a helping hand.

Food on Foot is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the poor and homeless of Los Angeles with nutritious meals, clothing, and assistance in the transition to employment and life off the streets.

What’s better help to the city that I love and the people that live in it than providing some help that would cost nothing at all. Let’s help get the homeless off the street, lets help dress them for jobs, motivation and a better future.

This is what I want from you: Go through the things in your closet, dresser, old hamper and take out everything that you don’t wear anymore. Put it in a plastic bag and give me a call, I’ll either pick it up or if you feel extremely generous, you can drop it off at my place. I will be taking it to Food on Foot sometime next week.

If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have suggestions, call me immediately!
Love, Hugs, Laughs & Rock & Roll!

*currently listening to They by Jem*


  1. I am going to throw this to my three uncles. They should be able to come up with something. My aunt is like , this heavyweight interior designer down in Laguna. She's got stuff.

    (to quote a film)

    Do you like La Jolla?

  2. Just FYI I did give the link to this charity and to your blog to my uncles.

    One is in Malibu, one in LA proper, and one in I think Laguna Beach (if he's not on his sailboat. lol)


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