Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Want To Rock You...

Yes, all I want to do is lounge around in my hello kitty bathrobe and my hello kitty fluffy slippers. Another great weekend comes to an end and it feels like I got hit by a truck.

It feels like madness hit a wall and left silver sparkles behind.

It feels like I'm not just lucky, I'm grand!

On Friday, I had my annual holiday dinner party. Most of my favorite people came over, we drank, ate, shared hugs, exchanged stories. These people are truly amazing. These people are incredible special.

I watched The Princess and The Frog yesterday. It made me cry. I guess I'm still too sensitive to anything having to do with a father and daughter, especially if the father passes. I heard Brittany Murphy passed away. One on my favorite movies, Uptown Girls, is one of those that always makes me cry. I want my dad back.

There's one thing left with me, I love it all, music run through my veins, the thought of you is always around. Sabor.

My Dad, My Mom and I, Rio de Janeiro, 1982.

*Currently listening to I Got Five On It by Luniz*

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I'm gonna go see "Avatar" I think.

    Just sold my house yesterday , sitting here on pins and needles waiting to hear back how everything is going to turn out at signing.
    Selling everything I own, on craigslist. You gotta love craigslist. :)

    Thats a cute picture it looks so fifties.


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