Friday, January 8, 2010

Keep Moving...

I felt it necessary to share this. One of my best friends is a photographer and life through his eyes is a collage of emotions and sensations, that's the way I see things with him. Beyond being a photographer, he's a dreamer, he's a philanthropist, he's a supporter of hearts and the best therapy for anyone's soul... I'm gifted by him every day by just having him and this is a gift I share with you all...

'I'll be the first to admit that 2009 ate and spit me right out for the vultures to eat, alone I felt, but with 2010 paving a yellow brick road its seeming to become an 'in repair' journey. I've been taking my hearts advice and finally realizing that worrying about a bill, a job and money do absolutely nothing. Yes, I know I can't rely on that forever because things do need to be taken care of and people do need to be paid, but I will no longer cry nor be angry about it. All I can do is try and use this free time wisely.

Today, I went for a hike and came across this tree. She was such an amazing sight because every time I wanted to turn around and give up my 'curious cat' ways kept me going to see what was around the corner. She was simple, alone, isolated, shading nothing but the dirt below her and as I walked closer I noticed that she had been decorated with two ornaments that made me smile ear to ear. Maybe she hasn't been so alone as I've assumed. Maybe someone visits her daily, sings by her, reads under what little shade is provided. Either way it's apparent that even without someone to water her roots or trim her branches she's managed to fight through what life has handed her. Alone or in a crowd we all have to move on, keep dreaming and fight life to make it the best possible. In time I will visit and maybe even thank her with an ornament for inspiring me. *Love*' - Vincent Sandoval (Vincent Sandoval Photography & Groove:Snap)

*Currently listening to All Dressed Up by Citizen Cope*


  1. One of the things I will miss most about my home is the 200 year old oak in the backyard. I took a film of it through an entire year...

    seeing all its changes... a timelapse shot each day. run back over the entire for a total runtime of 30 seconds.

    2010 will be good. First things first, pass real healthcare reform.

    We shouldn't be throwing the sick and wounded under the bus. We need a national health service.

    So. Get that done this week. Then. The rest is going to be all downhill. Maybe even downhill at aspen...



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