Friday, February 5, 2010

Be Kind. Kiss The World.

'Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle'
- Plato

I read that quote today. A dear friend of mine post it as her facebook status. I used to be a hard practitioner of doing on to other as I wished done onto me, of not judging, on giving people the benefit of the doubt, on allowing my thoughts to be used on good instead of bad. But this is hard. It's so easy to judge, it's so easy to make assumptions. It's so easy to get carried away by insecurities and social concepts... I haven't been kind.

Thank you Plato, thank you Valerie, thank you facebook, thank you fate.

Sometimes, a reminder is all that's needed to get back on track.

Kisses to the world!

PS: I'm feeling sick, I have a cold, my heart feels tender and my mojo is weak... I'm still a happy little great person, just give me some lovin' through the wave-lines. I'll send you more magical kisses.

*Currently listening to Madrigal by Danny Rivera (BTW - This song makes me think of a very, very special someone)*


  1. Si amorcito, every single time I hear that song I think of you too.

  2. Plato rocks. :)

    Ok. So. Lets get to work.

    * places his hands on the screen *

    * sends some good vibes out there *

  3. this is my first visit to your blog (you never mentioned it)! i like the quote from Plato. it's so true. sometimes i have a falling out with someone and later find out the truth behind their actions were rooted in something so much deeper.


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