Wednesday, February 17, 2010

She Loves Me. I Love Her. It's Complicated.

I'm having a hard time.

My mother hovers. She loves me. She wants nothing but the best for me. I am bright and capable and she expects a lot from me. She wants me to make the choices she'd make and to want the life she feels I should have. A life that perhaps she would have wanted for herself.

I do understand.

I am 30 years old and I've been on my own for 10 years. Unlike the average young adult, I didn't leave my parents to go to college. They left me so I could stay in college. They moved to another state, I stayed in California. I stayed behind.

I have been making my own choices from a very early age. I'm very independent. I like to do things my way. I like to take responsibility for my present and decide what will be my future.

My lifestyle isn't open to negotiations. I know it's not a lifestyle for everyone but it's my choice. I'm okay with it. I'm happy living like I do. I don;t care what anyone thinks or says about it. Except for her.

Except for her. So at what point do I draw the line? At what point do I move on and let things be?

This movie totally reminds me of my Mom

*Currently listening to Solition by Pitch Black*


  1. You don't have to +tell her+ you're ignoring her, just . ..

    I mean, you can love your mom but at some point or another , guys who come to your blog looking for hot Indy music or wild women from LA are going to go like. Ok. She's talking about her... mom?

    And then. Before you know it they'll be off talking about Volvos.

    Stop them before they buy another Volvo. You can do it.

  2. Don't buy another Volvo darling. Don't do it!

  3. But what if it has a dark blue interior?


Say what you may here...