Friday, May 22, 2009

Lousy Morning.

I started painting the cabinets yesterday. It turned out to be more work than I thought it would be. It's one of those 'What did I get myself into' moments.

The kitchen is half banana-cream-pie-creamy and half washed-out natural wood finish, everything from the counters has been moved to various other places, the cabinets are slightly open and there are paint stains (that I hope to be able to remove later) in various inconspicuous places.

Dammit kitchen! Patience... Breathe in... Paint. Finish.

The music will be blasting. Not disruptions until I'm done. I will win this battle. Even if with only 3 hours of sleep.

*currently watching CNN - This world is beautiful, don't listen, it's all crap on TV, there is good in the world*


  1. dibuje una linea
    dibuje una linea por tu
    que una cosa hacer
    .. y era todo amarillo

    a si
    su piel y huesos
    du vuelta adentro
    vuelta adentro algo magnifico

    mucho trabajo por mi este dia


Say what you may here...