Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Crazy Town & Las Vegas.

I have a friend. I can't really say he's my friend, we barely know each other. But I would like to get to know him better someday, he's sort of special, not as in 'special education special', more like interesting and very odd special. His mind works in crazy ways. Good crazy. More like intellectually profound crazy... You know? Like some used to think Einstein was insane... I once heard that genius was a step away from crazy... Maybe he is crazy, sometimes I wonder...

So, last week, when Summer and I were in Las Vegas, at one point we sat at a bar and a man sat next to me. He said I had nice legs, he asked if he could give me a lot of money for me to go have sex with him, at that point Summer said: 'You're very inappropriate, she is my lesbian lover, you should leave now'. Summer rocks, I still need to learn how to say no, but at least I didn't say yes and that's what counts, right?

*currently listening to Af607105, Charlotte Gainsbourg*


  1. I always say special comes in three types:
    1. Going to change the world special
    2. Mommy loves you special
    3. Wears a helmet to the mall special.

    Well in truth, I only use two of those, but I am not going to say which two. :)

  2. as Summers mouth did our chance at being rich.

  3. You guys crack me up.

    Mauro: You're not becoming rich by pimping me... I should PIMP YOU!

  4. I can't understand that whole kink thing of people +dressing up+ as mad scientist and putting her on the table.


  5. I'm sort of curious to know who this friend is... Sounds like an interesting convo...

    Oh, and mega cool points to Summer. Please, oh please, let us know. What was this interesting gentleman's reaction?


Say what you may here...