Friday, June 26, 2009

Warrior of the Light

A Warrior of the Light is never in a hurry.

Time works in his favor; he learns to master his impatience and avoids acting without thinking.

By walking slowly, he becomes aware of the firmness of his step. He knows that he is taking part in a decisive moment in the history of humanity and that he needs to change himself before he can transform the world. That is why he remembers the words of Lanza del Vasto: 'A revolution takes time to settle in."

A Warrior never picks fruit while it is still green.

- Paulo Coelho (Warrior of the Light, page 40)

And now I take off, in a hurry... I'm the Warrior-in-training of Friday night!

*Currently listening to Thriller, Michael Jackson (they wont stop playing him in this house)*


  1. Quite an interesting excerpt... Time, indeed, is what helps us to realize our impact on our own life. It is when we take the time to analyze each decision, then recount it afterwards that we truly understand the magnitude and importance of each decision...

    That's a bit of what I got from it...

    Oh, and they're playing it because they can't stop 'til they get enough...


Say what you may here...