Friday, March 5, 2010

Once Upon A Time There Was This Guy

You're starting to turn into a story. A story that I'll someday tell my friends while drinking martinis during any of many happy hours. Eventually that's all you'll be: A memory, a tale, something that happened at one point in my life.

I guess that's how it is, some people just come and go.

'It will be best not to remember the pain your lies caused me, but the happiness I felt while I believed them'
- Author Unknown

*Currently listening to Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye*


  1. All relationships are stories. Some are just more recent than others.

  2. When THEY pass to be stories, THEY suspend in our memories as belittled hopes...fallen stars. THEY steal that beautiful glow that is born in our most delighting and most joyful place.. I refuse for this to happen, for I will always hold up high that beautiful feeling and never deprive it of the love it once had, the love it will always have.


Say what you may here...