Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stars & Dreams

This is for you...

In one of the stars
I shall be living
In one of them
I shall be laughing
And so it will be
as if all the stars
were laughing
when you look
at the sky at night

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

I've used this passage before, in an old post some time ago, and when you left this morning, I thought of it and you. The Little Prince is one of my favorite books...

The soul holds on tight and that's part of how everything flows. I'm glad I heard about your dream, even if it made your soul shake. Thank you for sharing.

*Currently listening to Be Be Your Lover by Rachael Yamagata*


  1. This blog post kind of reminds me of a picture of a boa constrictor that just swallowed an elephant.

    People keep thinking its a hat, but its really an elephant hiding inside this thing.
    See him in there?

  2. You do things that make my soul shake... This morning was great, so was last night. Thank you.

  3. Soul shakes are great but honestly - if you were really out in the middle of a desert - all alone what would you rather have - a soul shake or a milkshake


Say what you may here...