He said he can't leave me. I said I didn't want to go. So he's not going and I'm not going. We're staying? He said we've never been apart. But I don't know if we're together.
He posts sentimental songs and sends me sweet messages. I picture my life without him. I'm not moving. I don't want to. I can't make myself get up and go.
He'll smile and I'll melt and maybe everything will be alright.
I've become cheesy and sappy, where's the me I used to know? The one who didn't care for men? They were toys with an expiration date. Disposable.
Each relationship is supposed to teach you something. That's what I've heard.
For now, or ever, but for a fact I know that for now, I can not move. I would die.
*Currently listening to Million Faces by Paolo Nutini*
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
You don't have to do it alone. I would give my right nut to take you out.