The Doggy
He's only been with us for a couple of days and already we are in love. He had a vet visit yesterday, the vet said he is healthy, approximately 3 years old, he's not neutered and it seems like he's had a good life so far. We discovered that he's potty trained and pretty disciplined, he 'stays', 'sits' and he loves peeing in every single bush and sleeping next to someone, making body contact.
I look at him, and I just can't understand how anyone could leave such a cute little fellow tied to a light post on a street on a cool night, in downtown Los Angeles. I just don't get it.
I'm glad he's with us, I'm glad he found us, I'm glad we found him!
Unhappy People
I received an email today. It was a 'warning' from someone who is obviously in disagreement with my relationship with my boyfriend. It was an anonymous message. It was rude, unnecessary and completely out of place.
None of my friends would have sent it. It was all too close and personally having to do with my boyfriend and not with me. This person also emailed him. He told me all about it. This is someone on his side, not mine. This is someone who is upset, maybe hurt? I don't care.
Here's the thing: I know he's not perfect. I'm not perfect. But we've decided to stick it out and make it work and give it a try. We are happy. We ARE happy. It may not always be happiness, it may end soon, it may last a very long time. For now, it is what it is and we love it, we are enjoying each other's company, making plans, sharing great moments and taking things one day at a time. It feel like everything is falling into place. I'm happy.
Whoever it is, thanks for your message but please leave us alone. You may be unhappy and I wish you happiness, from the bottom of my heart, I really do. Good luck to you.
Good Women Doing Bad Things?
I came across something quite interesting... There's this married woman who sent this guy I know pictures of herself in lingerie... She sends him provocative text messages, sometimes provocative emails, on ocassion leaves provocative comments on his facebook page... Now here's the thing: She's married.
I don't mean to be judgmental. We all do things sometimes that are not morally ethical. I'm not sure what her situation is. But I do wonder... Is she unhappy in her marriage? Is she in need of attention? Is she bored?
It's kind of sad. I've been there before, I was with someone I cared for but I wasn't getting everything I wanted so I'd entertain myself in other various ways.
At what point do you actually cross the line and do wrong? At what point do you decide to go back to the ethical road and do the right thing? Who decides what the right thing is anyway?
I sure don't know. All I know is that after being the victim of somebody else's lies, I know I never want to be in that position again and I don't wish to put anyone through it either. Hopefully that will be my path and nothing will change it.
Read It - I Loved It
A lesson in feminism - An important question, what's too much? What's too little? What makes all the difference?
*Currently listening to One Headlight by The Wallflowers*
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
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