Friday, May 29, 2009

Good Company.

Healthy, That's what it feels. To have my friends around me. Healthy and happy. Very happy.

Lore and I cooked for what felt like hours. The kitchen was a chaotic mix of laughter, veggies, spices, pasta, music, her loveliness and mine. We kick ass! Dinner was amazing. Everyone showed up late, praised our cooking, and my favorite music dominated the evening: The music that friendly chatter and laughter creates, the music of friendship and love.

I woke up happy, I took a call, chatted online with a friend. Realization hit me. I feel sadness. Deep sadness.

*currently listening to Yellow, Cold Play*


  1. wish I could be there. boo - James

  2. James! We missed you so very, very much!

    I had your girlfriend cooking all day. I've whipped her into shape *wink-wink*.

    Besitos pinguino.


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