Saturday, May 30, 2009

Princess Vight

She was to be married to the Prince of the neighboring kingdom. There was no engagement but it was simply expected. The people of her kingdom looked forward to this union and in her mind, she believed she would be happy. The Prince and her would meet for strolls around the garden. He was very pleasant, this prince was very agreeable.

One day, close to the royal ball, where the engagement would surely take place, Princess Vight decided to walk around the kingdom's little streets and visit its sweet people. Along the way, she met a merchant selling love letters. 'Letters of love, words of wisdom, prose of passion', he said. The princess was suddenly very curious about these love letters and she buys a couple.

On her way back to the castle, she stops at a garden's bench to read the letters. Word by word, thought by thought, she discovers love through the eyes of a stranger, wisdom through the phrases of someone she's never met, and passion, not earthly passion but torrential yet tender. At that moment, she knows her life will never be the same again...


  1. i know when you are sad chiquita.

    le petite dame should never be sad. plus, didn't you know that you're simply supposed to be gorgeous? do not use that head too much. that is why you were gifted with beauty.

    c'est la vie petite majuli.

  2. Cute-e pie you. Thanks, I guess?


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