Monday, June 1, 2009

Better Than You.

You know things aren't bad at all when you can read other people's tragedies and find them hilarious...

(413): that girl last night was a 15
(1-413): wait she was 15?
(413): no like black jack not sure if you should hit it

-, Bad Night 181*

Today, I was walking down the sidewalk and heard a little girl ask her dad why I had blue hair. He said, "Sometimes drugs will make people do stupid things.

-, #2485875**

*Thanks Jeff.
**Thanks Silvana.

1 comment:

  1. can i find the candle of thought
    to light your name?
    lifetimes are catching up with me.

    all these changes taking place
    i wish i'd seen the place
    but no ones ever taken me

    hearts and thoughts they fade
    fade. away.

    hearts and thoughts they fade.
    fade. away.

    i swear I recognize your breath
    memories like fingerprints
    are slowly erased

    me who wouldn't recall
    I'm not my father
    its hard when
    you're stuck up on the shelf

    I change
    by not changing at all

    small town predicts my fate
    perhaps thats what no one wants to see

    I just want to scream

    my god its been so long never dreamed you'd return
    but now here you are
    and here I am

    hearts and thoughts. they fade. away

    hearts and thoughts they fade.


    hearts and thoughts they fade.

    fade...a way...

    hearts and thoughts they fade.

    hearts and thoughts they fade.
    fade away.

    e. veder


Say what you may here...