Wednesday, June 3, 2009


"I think it was Bette Davis who said, 'old age is not for sissies'. But it was Tolstoi who said, 'the biggest surprise in a man's life is old age'. It sneaks up on you and the next thing you know, you're asking yourself, I'm asking myself: Why can't an old man act his real age? How is it possible for me to still be involved in the carnal aspects of the human comedy?
Because, in my head, nothing has changed".

- David, Elegy (the film).

Coming of age... It doesn't happen with a barmitzvah, a katillian, a quinceaƱera. It doesn't happen when you're asked for it. Coming of age is unrelated to age itself. Coming of age takes place when the individual has shed the realities surrounding the child and comes into the needs of adulthood. But, what is adulthood?

I was asked to grow up at a very young age. I was asked to understand things no child needs to understand. I was asked to need a different set of possibilities, more suited to my new reality. Yet, I'm still a child, awaiting my coming of age.

♦ Elegy - Watch it.

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