Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Not So Cool...

I hate it when I find an awesome video to share here and 'embedding is disabled by request'. I ♥ Calvin Harris, I love The Girls, all of them *wink*.

Also, on the VERY cool category, my dear Brad aka Cheeks, posted his version of a 'sex tape' on YouTube and it was banned and removed creating fun gossip and controversy.You can view it here. I think it's awesome. Honestly, the best sex video I've EVER seen. Go Cheeks!

Note to Some: If you have anything in my car, anything that you may have left behind, in those 'oh, I'll get it later' moments. Stuff like boots, mini skirts, cds, swim trunks, beach stuff, lighters, the International booklet for love and peace, yes, all that I consider crap since it's not mine, well, please know that I have moved all of it to my trunk and I will be donating it to charity by Friday. Contact me if you want your things back. And yes, I love you, but I'm not a storage unit.

*currently listening to Electro Man, Calvin Harris*


  1. I want my boots and Mini back!!!!

  2. Its universal music group. UMG. I never. Ever. Ever. Link or click on any of their clips. I will go all the way around the planet to stay away from anything Universal Music Group will publish.

    If we keep posting - they can't cut the audio tracks out of everything, or otherwise disable embedding.


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