Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Home On A Cloud.

I've landed on a cloud... All of the sudden, everything is blurry and I can't quite make what's going on around me. I had imagined what being on a cloud would be like... Definitely nothing like this. Perhaps this isn't a cloud, a dream? Maybe?

After searching for a long time I reached what I believed would be my final destination. Wrong. There's nothing final about this. This doesn't feel like the right place. I may have taken a wrong turn, map quest was misleading, that, or I just don't know how to follow direction.

I'm not lost, that's for sure. I have myself here, tight in a bear hug, snuggled to my consciousness, intact. What's left now than to carry on?

Patience dear magnificent one. Patience. Carry on...

*Currently listening to Amara, she purrs, she's welcoming me home*

1 comment:

  1. I saw someone hug themselves on 'Barney the Dinosaur'...

    Don't you like. Squeeze your sides with your arms crossed?


Say what you may here...