Thursday, February 25, 2010

Welcome. Come In. If You'd Like.

I read this somewhere yesterday:

'If what you really want is to come in, please do. The doors are open for you. If you decide you want to leave, it's okay. Time will tell. But if you leave, please leave the door open, there are others who want to come in too.'
-Unknown Source

I can't love you if you don't want to be loved...

A thought crossed my mind: Maybe he's just jaded. Perhaps that's why he wont come in or let me in? Maybe it's just me he doesn't want. Eventually it wont matter anymore.

A post-secret for me. Thank you. Some do want to come in.

*Currently listening to Her Beautiful Ideas by The Guggenheim Grotto*


  1. You're absolutely correct: eventually, it won't matter any more. All feelings are fleeting. Here today, gone tomorrow. If you try to fight them, they only grow more powerful. Let them be and don't give them any more significance than they actually have. Love, Jake

  2. My guess is he feels like he's in love and it scares him. It makes him feel vulnerable.

    I bet he's the kind of guy who likes to be on .. top...

    He's probably pretty afraid of God right now. Too. If something like that happened to me, I'd look around for the lightning bolt and the booming voice..

    I mean. Let me see if I have this straight.
    You release your feelings for .. is it.. him? .. to the universe. Then he's standing in the post office and the little scrap of paper there at his feet says that?


  3. It's weird how my birthday numbers are in that fortune... coincidence? hmmm....

  4. Jake: The whole thing here is that I do want it to matter. He's important to me. I wish he'd see it.

    Turner: He probably is scared. I guess I'm a lot to take in, he likes to be on top. He's a great guy. You'd like this guy for me. I hope things with you are going well. Say hi to the kids.

    D: <3 - yes. I don't believe in coincidences.


Say what you may here...