Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Name Is Little Magnificent And I Am An Addict

Everything comes to an end. You just never expect to hear 'I don't know what to say' when you get to the end of the road.

I'm listening to Bajo Fondo a lot, only because it's 'safe' music. It doesn't remind me of him. There will be a lot to avoid if I want to keep it safe. This will be my first time doing this. Usually when I'm done, I'm done. It's never been self-inflicted. It's not really like I wanted to go.

The first step to rehabilitation is accepting you have a problem. He was my addiction and I need to kick it. Period.

* * * End of Transmission * * *

*Currently listening to Red Light by Sioux and the Banshees*


  1. I'm glad I didn't meet this fella. Kick the addiction. He doesn't deserve you.

  2. So you are the dude, the cause of all problems. Cochella would have been a better place without you there.

    She will kick her bad habit of liking you. She knows what is best for her.

  3. You will meet me alright, I plan to go to Los Angeles.


Say what you may here...