Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Not Your Thoughts Here

I have a theory. This theory has belonged to many before me so I guess I'm adopting it. It's more of a belief: If you have fucked up thoughts, fucked up shit will happen. Yes, bluntly, like that.

I'm getting sick and tired of hearing people complain. They seem to have no clue just how good they have it. I hear it all the time, people I call friends walk into my home and complain. They complain about traffic, about things they need to pay for, about their jobs, about the weather, about taxes, inflation, their aches and pains, all kinds of bullshit. There are people in the world dying of hunger as I type this, there are mothers losing their children, there's abuse, there's crime, there's rape. How dare you complain?

Life is good. Love your life. Move on. There's always tomorrow and your attitude will make a difference.

I'm starting a new law at my home: If you come to bitch, stay out!

Love ya all and kisses, Happy freaking hump day!

*Currently listening to Where Did Your Heart Go Missing by Rooney*


  1. every day above ground is a good one...

  2. Interesting graphic.

    Anyone who gallops into my home on the back of a Llama, bearing a sword and wearing a crown -
    should be listened to very carefully.

    This kind of thing doesn't happen all the time where I live, but it does happen.


Say what you may here...