Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yes It Is - Because I Say So.

Buon giorno!

I tend to listen and then act if I feel like it, eventually. Such was the case with Pandora, I was told about it, I was urged to check it out, 'you're going to love it', they said. Eventually I did check it out... So much love from me to P. So much.

They claim it's a 'new kind of radio'. Yes. It really is. The Genome Music Project is an amazing musical algorithm. In fact, it's pure genius. Something about many, many musicians, genes, categorization, analysis...

Now, I'd tell you all about it but I must go. Maybe later? No, here, read it yourself! And - CHECK IT OUT! It's awesomeness at its best!


*Currently listening to my phone go off, it's 7:30, I'm late*


  1. The Music Genome Project is interesting as is Pandora, my only problem with it is that it doesnt really fit those of us who are both ecclectic and eccentric at the same time.

    My music ranges considerably and I like to listen to lots of artists but only a subset of there music.

    I have found that slacker ( fits me better and its music selection algo's tend to fit my musical taste better.

  2. Thank you! I'll check it out... Maybe ;)

  3. Maybe the next time see you in person I'll come up with something to encourage you to check it out.

  4. There's no need for encouragement darling. I will check it out... Or maybe? I think I have something I'd like to request...


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