Thursday, January 14, 2010

Little Wisdom.

Devin: ‘I'm never gonna get married. Girls are gross. I want my own stuff. But I am gonna have kids.’

Angel: ‘Yeah Devin! Marriage is for suckers. But you know what? In about 5 years, you won't think girls are gross. What if they start liking you?’

Devin: ‘Nu-uh. If a girl tries to kiss me, I'm going to build a secret fort made of trees!’

Angel: ‘Oh really? What if they break in?’

Devin: ‘I'll escape using a chainsaw. But first I'll dig a hole that's a trap for them hahahaha!’

-Conversation between Devin (age 6) and Angel Cazares (age 30)

This kid is on to something. I jokingly commented that he should be my consultant… I don’t think girls are gross, in fact, I don’t think men are gross either, but right now, relationships and the man/woman/couple’s dynamic, pretty much, make me want to barf…

Those simpler times were oh so sweet…

*Currently listening to Agua by Jarabe de Palo*


  1. Is this the simpler time, before you dropped my blog off your list?

    My recommendation is to add my blog back to your blogroll. You never know when the next carribean island holiday is going to turn into an epic end-of-the-world scenario, and it pays to be reading up on guys who are just slightly ahead of their time.

    Don't forget (assumes ominous tone)... the plate that shifted here included our continent... the big one could happen any day. There was a big 6.5 offshore california the week before the big 7 in haiti. They're related.

    You'd better add me back while you can.

  2. Your blog is on my list silly man. I have never taken it off and I read it regularly. :)


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