The most difficult thing was to be certain that I was making the right choice. Should I stay or should I go? Well, what's the right answer anyway? If I stay, there's the possibility of getting hurt over and over again. If I go, I don't have him, in any way. And who says it couldn't have been good? But it's hard to believe it could with all this chaos, and when his actions say otherwise. And it's hard not to want to believe him when he says, over and over again, that he wants to be by my side...
I was once told that in life, anything can be achieved by taking baby steps. I've determined the first three steps for me to take.
Step 1: Separation. From him, his friends and any situation that could put him in my face.
Step 2: Stop the crying. Right at this moment, I feel so dry that I think this may be easier than it sounds. Perhaps I cried it all out already and my tear ducts will be forever dry. If not, I must get a hold of myself and stop it. I can't continue to cry at work, at home, while driving, when I listen to any random song. It must all stop.
Step 3: Stop the music. I'm sorry Bernadette, I'm sorry Friends of Distinction, I'm sorry every single song that was put on the CD I made for him like a cheesy high school girl. You must all be put on hold, until I can hear you again without wanting to tear my heart out.
If I can accomplish these three steps, for now, I think I may be okay.
I've been through pretty difficult moments in my life and nothing has hurt as much as this. But I will pull through and it will be okay and my heart will beat regularly again.
*Currently not listening to anything, I'm petrified of Pandora*
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